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Since 1998 my interest was captured by what some amateur radio defined  "the ultimate DX" : S.E.T.I.  
Because of  my background, both as amateur radio (Moon bounce) and student (telecommunication), is not so far from many problems involved in Search For ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence, I was encouraged to start with this particular kind of scientific research.
I am currently working to build a SETI receiving station for hydrogen line, with a good friend of mine and the precious aim of members of an amateurs astronomers association ( Urania ).  It will take part in the Project Argus promoted by Seti League, and it will be also the subject of our two graduation thesis degree.

Our receiving SETI station  





SETI Institute

Bologna CNR Radioastronomy institute

Horowitz group home

SETI-Italia official web site

IARA: Italian Amateur Radio Astronomy group

ERAC: the European Radio Astronomy group

RadioAstrolab: equipments for amateurs radio astronomy


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