December 2009 1296 MHz ARRL EME contest
Recordings of EME signals  
Jan. 2007 SSB 1296MHz contest



Some images of the contest gang and two files showing night activities on 5th december and early morning on 6th december operations at IZ1BPN multioperator station.


You will be able to download and play some audio files recorded during the contest at our shack to have an idea on what can be a CW contest on 1296MHz nowdays...without any Internet connection nor digital assisted modes...just CW or SSB and ears !
Maybe some station worked could be interested to hear how we listened to them.

Front to back, IK1HWG (Maurizio), IZ1BPN (Stefano) and IK1MTZ (Diego) operating at RTX and SDR IQ second receiver Activity on the band on SDR IQ screenshot Left to right IZ1BPN, IW1AZJ (Silvio) and IK1MTZ. !